One of the hardest parts of being a creator is struggling to find people who believe in YOU and your work the way you do.
I'm not saying I'll love everything I review. I'm saying that you WILL receive an honest, respectful review.

You invested time in your work. You deserve to know why it is or isn't well-received.

Regardless of your industry, it will be impossible for you to please everyone. Accept that, and prepare to move beyond.
Invite me to review your hard work, and you can be assured that you will have excellent feedback that you can use.
A bad review is a person who had a different expectation of your product. Set the expectation!
This is it!
So all your hard work has finally paid off: you finished your novel, short story, or game. Now what?! The hard part is over, right? ...right?
How will you compete with the other products like yours? Stand out with a thoughtful review!